Pocket Number-14: Coventry Transport Museum’s coffee shop, Millennium Place

IMG_20171011_152656I emailed Tim at Radio Plus and explained about 25 Pockets of Coventry. Tim emailed me back to say he was happy to meet me. He said he was getting married and then taking a three month break. so we arranged to meet when he was next available, in October.

In October, we met up at Coventry’s Transport Museum’s coffee shop for tea. Tim recounted that he previously worked for the BBC as a radio producer and project manager before realising a long-held dream of his by launching a local community radio show.

Radio Plus features local musical talent and aims ‘to be a relevant and authentic voice for … 16-35 year olds’ in Coventry.

Tim had just lunched with Rob, who he sent me to meet next. For the montage, he gave me a CD copy of Rob’s album titled’One Day’, the music of which has been played on Radio Plus.

Tim said his favourite car at the transport museum is the Thrust II.

Pocket Number 15: Rob at Coventry Transport Museum’s coffee shop >>

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