Pocket Number-15: Tudor House and Gardens, Bugle Street

32105148_10100610558660217_6547796471612178432_nSouthampton’s oldest house, ‘Tudor House‘ dates back to Tudor times. The timber-framed building is now conserved as a museum telling visitors about its history and about what life was like for its residents and Southampton’s inhabitants over the span of the last 800 years.

After sitting through an introductory session in the haunted banqueting hall, the house was made available for me to roam through and explore.

32095416_10100610558560417_7831785504621199360_nI got to see: 400 year old graffiti (with sailing ships especially noticeable), secret witch marks on door 32187078_10100610558520497_6175448800191053824_nposts, a reconstructed WWII air-raid shelter, and the historically laid out Tudor garden.

Macabre themed curiosities on display in glass cabinets included: bones of a lapdog, a stuffed spaniel puppy, a trophy French Carabinier’s helmet from the battle of Waterloo and prehistoric axe heads.

32072805_10100610558610317_5813503260387966976_nI followed Caroline’s instructions and attempted to wind up Laura by asking her to let me into the garden after 4:30pm.

After I explained to Laura about what I doing she gave the assemblage some Tudor House stickers and then sent me to ask Lucy from SeaCity if she left her her lunch on the bus?! 

I asked Laura whether she had a favourite display at SeaCity and she said that she found the stopped pocket watch (from one of Titanic’s stewards) as especially poignant.

Pockets Number 16: Lucy at SeaCity Museum >>

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