Pocket Number-14: Bridgewater Canal

WP_20160527_15_23_16_ProIn the early industrial age, materials to power Manchester’s mills and factories were transported there by narrow boat along an extensive canal network.

Bridgewater Canal was one of the England’s first canals,  built for the Duke of Bridgewater to drain his mines and transport his coal into WP_20160527_14_59_48_ProManchester from Worsley.WP_20160527_15_16_27_Pro

As I strolled along the canal towpath I spotted some Canadian geese and met a team of reposing male mallard ducks.

WP_20160527_15_18_01_ProDozens of cyclists swished past me. Before long, one of them dismounted to relax for a bit.

WP_20160527_15_05_16_ProOlly works as a barista at the Trove outlet in Altrincham and was taking a break at the halfway mark between work and home. He told me that he’d recently  returned from four months in the Netherlands and now enjoys cycling along the canal with his dutch-styled bike.

After I explained about what I was doing, he gave the assemblage a souvenir from his time in Holland – a pair of porcelain clogs – and then sent me to meet Will at the Trove outlet in Levenshulme.

He told me to try some of Trove’s sour dough bread.

Pocket Number 15: Will at Trove, Stockport Road, Levenshulme >>


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